
Classic Horror illustrated by Georges Bess

Created by Neurobellum Productions

Graphic novel adaptations of Bram Stoker's DRACULA, Mary Shelley's FRANKENSTEIN, and Victor Hugo's THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME. Pre-orders will close on September 30th.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

about 2 months ago – Sat, Jul 27, 2024 at 11:45:04 AM

Hi, everyone!

We are still in San Diego for Comic-Con, but we wanted to report some exciting news that occurred last night -- you may or may not have heard that the original DRACULA/FRANKENSTEIN Boxed Set had been nominated for an Eisner Award for Best Publication Design this year... well...


We were thrilled just to be in the room with all of that massive talent surrounding us, but when they called our name... the walls of reality collapsed and I frankly don't remember much after that. I vaguely recall stumbling up to the stage to receive the trophy from Mike friggin' Mignola and Jill freakin' Thompson, and I think I stammered some nervous thanks into a microphone, but I can't be certain of anything at this point. All I know is THIS PRODUCT IS NOW AN AWARD WINNER.

Granted, this was for the original two-book set offered last year, but the new three-book set from this campaign is pretty much the exact same design, just updated to fit three books and logos.

Printing and manufacturing is going smoothly with the factory, and I'm sure this recognition will light a spark for them as well. This will be a special set once it is delivered! 😊

Surveys sent!
2 months ago – Mon, Jul 15, 2024 at 08:28:22 AM

Hi everyone,

Just a quick update to let you know that ALL BACKERKIT SURVEYS HAVE BEEN SENT.

Please watch for an email from "Neurobellum Productions" (sent by [email protected]) shortly.

IMPORTANT: If your Kickstarter account uses a email address (eg. if you registered your Kickstarter account using your iPhone), you will have to message us with an alternate email address that can actually receive email messages that you can reply to! 

Several pledges were not able to be collected by Kickstarter, so if you are one of those whose pledge has been marked as "dropped", you can still complete your pledge in Backerkit to keep your rewards! 😊 You will still get a Backerkit survey and any uncollected pledge balance can be paid through Backerkit when we lock orders and collect balances due. This will likely happen at the end of August (30th), so you have time to prepare if Kickstarter caught you off guard.

Thanks, everyone! If you have any questions, you can message us here and we'll answer you as soon as we can!

Smoke Test Surveys have been sent!
2 months ago – Fri, Jul 12, 2024 at 03:24:44 PM

Happy Friday, everyone!

Just a quick update to let you know that we have initiated the smoke test surveys.

If you're not sure what that means, it is a small set of surveys that have been sent to a random selection of backers in order to test the survey system. If there are any bugs or confusing questions, the smoke test will weed them out so we can be sure the larger survey goes smoothly.

If you are one of those lucky few, please watch for an email from us (on behalf of Backerkit) with your survey link and try to fill it out as promptly as you can. Backerkit recommends that we wait until 75% or so of those smoke test surveys are complete before sending the rest.

Assuming things go well, we expect the rest of the surveys will go out this weekend. We'll post another update as soon as we do!

Thanks, everyone! More news soon!

3 months ago – Fri, Jun 28, 2024 at 05:13:45 PM

Hi everyone!

What a great ride! We're thrilled that so many of you joined us for this campaign, and we can't wait to get these beautiful books into your hands! Georges is very happy with how things turned out, and the printer will be receiving the HUNCHBACK files on Monday. This will be a gorgeous set for your collection. :)

Too bad we didn't unlock the coin, but that's the thing about stretch goals -- they're there as incentives, but not guaranteed... We thought the target for that goal was sufficiently placed to unlock just before closing (based on our 40 campaigns worth of data and predicting science) but even those are only guesses. You never know how things will roll on Kickstarter, and the tide can ebb unpredictably... Regardless, you'll be getting a bunch of other beautiful prints and pieces for FREE with your pledge. 😎

We'll start building the pledge manager on Monday and should be able to get the surveys out to you by the 12th. WIth the book files at the printer, we've asked for an estimated delivery schedule, and it seems realistic to have them in our warehouse by mid-October. With that in mind, we're aiming to have everything shipped before Thanksgiving! 😊 We will, of course, keep you posted along the way, and if anything comes up we'll do our best to mitigate delays.

Thanks again, everyone! We're off to celebrate! Have a great weekend!

Entering our final week!
3 months ago – Fri, Jun 21, 2024 at 03:30:12 PM

Hi everyone!

We feel some remorse over not posting many updates these past two weeks, but we've been extremely busy getting the books ready for the printers -- everything is looking great, and the final files are being sent to Georges on Monday for his approval. 

Finishing the translation of THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME was a powerful experience -- for anyone thinking this will be anything like the Disney animated movie, think again! The original novel by Victor Hugo is a harrowing, heart-rending tragedy, and I have to admit that Georges adaptation put a lump in my throat as we reached the end... These stories are classics for a reason, and these adaptations breathe new life into what some might think are just "flowery Victorian tales"...  These really are special books, and they deserve premium treatment!

At the time of this writing, we're just a stone's throw away from unlocking the next Stretch Goal: the gold-foil stamped art card. Georges and his wife Pia designed this to be layered like the mockup shown below, and it will be beautiful.

Just take a look at everything unlocked so far!

At the current pace, that gold-leaf postcard might be unlocked by the end of day tomorrow! Beyond that, we have one more cool bonus item planned... stay tuned for that reveal! 

A few of you have noted that with the Slipcase Sets all accounted for, things may slow down... while that is sound mathematics, we wanted to point out that you can still pledge for a copy of HUNCHBACK with the Slipcase Upgrade and then Add-on hardcover copies of DRACULA and FRANKENSTEIN, essentially building your own Slipcase Set pledge!

Granted, those Add-ons don't include digital copies, and you will have to assemble the set yourself upon receipt... those are the two primary differences between the sold-out complete set and the "build-it-yourself" set. The complete sets will be assembled at the factory and shrink-wrapped with the books already in the box. The build-it-yourself version is not pre-assembled at the factory -- the add-on copies of DRACULA and FRANKENSTEIN are already in our inventory as individual books, but they are identical content-wise and size-wise.

The price is roughly the same, too, although as mentioned, the Complete Slipcase Tier includes all 3 digital books, whereas the build-it-yourself version set would only include the physical books themselves (and a digital copy of just HUNCHBACK, as that comes with the print copy of HUNCHBACK+Slipcase Upgrade). Hopefully, that difference is clear enough and easy to understand...

We'll be back as soon as we've unlocked this next goal to reveal the final Stretch Goal. For those of you who have backed previous Neurobellum/Magnetic Press campaigns, you may have a good guess what it might be... 😉

More soon! Thanks, everyone!