
Classic Horror illustrated by Georges Bess

Created by Neurobellum Productions

Graphic novel adaptations of Bram Stoker's DRACULA, Mary Shelley's FRANKENSTEIN, and Victor Hugo's THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME. Pre-orders will close on September 30th.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

What a great first day! THANK YOU!!!
4 months ago – Wed, Jun 05, 2024 at 11:00:18 AM

Hi, everyone!

Wow, we are blown away by the turnout so far after only 1 day... THANK YOU!!!

The first stretch goal was knocked out pretty quickly, so we've updated the campaign to reveal the next free bonus item:

We always wait to see how the first day goes to pace out the rest of our stretch goals to avoid blowing through them too fast or too slow... We try our best to keep them paced to the performance so that something is unlocked every few days or so based on our scientifically-calibrated project projector. There are some really nice bonus freebies planned, so hopefully we can keep up the pace for the rest of the campaign! 😊

We honesty didn't know what to expect as, admittedly, two of the three books in this campaign were released last fall.  And while HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME is a fantastic brand new addition to the collection, we thought it might be a good opportunity to re-offer DRACULA and FRANKENSTEIN again for those people who may have missed the original sold-out release. (We're a pretty small operation, so the odds are good that these books are new to most of you...)

If you did pick up DRACULA and FRANKENSTEIN last fall, THANK YOU AGAIN! We're happy to have you back for HUNCHBACK! And if you're torn over whether you need to upgrade your existing 2-book slipcase to the new 3-book box, well... we leave that decision completely up to you. 😉 The original slipcases are already beautiful (and out of print); HUNCHBACK can sit beside that box quite comfortably on a shelf without needing to fit inside. The new box is offered for new backers who missed the sold-out original set, and for original backers who prefer that all three books fit side-by-side in one box. It really is a matter of preference. We're sorry we can't offer the boxes for free to original backers, but they are relatively expensive to produce, particularly in limited quantities such as ours, and they really are optional to the reading experience.

Some of you have asked if there will be more books in this Georges Bess Classic Horror library -- to be honest, we don't know! Georges completely surprised us with HUNCHBACK in the first place, and he hasn't mentioned any other plans moving forward. If he does choose to surprise us with another adapted Classic, we certainly hope to publish it, and we'll consider the best formatting options at that time. Frankly, it takes him a couple of years to produce each of these (which you can see in the TLC he puts into each page), so the chances of seeing another one any time soon are anyone's guess...

That's all for now. We'll be back with more updates soon! In the meantime, you can help unlock more stretch goals by spreading the word to all of your friends and peers!

Thanks, everyone!